
Alexander Clark

Originally from Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, I have lived the best part of 30 years in Indonesia. During that time, I have been able to travel extensively throughout the Indonesian archipelago, of more than 17,000 islands, which has given me ample opportunities to take photographs.

Photography has been a passion since the age of 15 when I got my first “proper” film camera, a Minolta SRT101, which I still keep and treasure to this day. But, alas, in more recent times, like many I have migrated to using digital cameras, largely due to their convenience and low running cost.

Most of the photographs you will see have been shot using my Canon 5D Mark III, Canon 3GX and Fujifilm X100F. However, I have a small admission to make. I am also prone to using a smart phone on occasions when I haven’t a camera to hand. For instance, the stunning landscape of Connemara, West of Ireland, was shot on a Samsung Galaxy 8 Plus. Perhaps some purist photographers would cringe at the thought! Smart phones, of course, have their limitations but are still able to produce some stunning images.

Where ever I have travelled in Indonesia, and elsewhere, I have always tried to take a few photographic memories home, even if its been only one or two photographs. The world is changing at such a pace, so it is important to try and capture what will soon be no longer, whether it’s a stunning un-spoilt landscape or disappearing culture.

The problem with digital is that most people’s photographs remain buried in their camera or on a hard disk never to see the light of day. Photographs are rarely printed nowadays so can not be easily appreciated. By making this site, I am attempting gradually to “unbury” some of my favourite photographs, so others may also see and hopefully enjoy them. You will find just a few memories from my travels, which I will continue to add to as and when I have time.

All the best